Today I was on the beach {} and I was having a discussion with Kathryn regarding all the leftover scraps us scrappers end up with after making our wonderful creations. I must admit, I'm one that will keep every last piece in hopes that I may be able to use it for one thing or another. I have scraps that have been stored away and untouched for several years. After having this discussion, I was very inspired to actually put my scraps to good use. I have some very old scraps that just had to go in the trash, but I also had many newer scraps that I did not want to part with, so I sat at my table with all my junk out and this is what I came up with. Everything on these cards comes from scraps, except for the "Thinking of You" chipboard sticker.
So here's the deal, I'm challenging YOU, yes YOU, to create something, anything using nothing but scraps. You may embellish it, but the idea is to use those stored away scraps that are sitting there collecting dust. Post a picture of your "scrap" creation with a comment and I will pick a lucky winner on Sunday, March 13th. The winner will receive a little surprise scrappy item for participating :) Please make sure there's a way for me to contact you should you win this challenge :}